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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 13, 1899.

Messrs.  N. A. McNeil and Co.
Lime Rock, 


Your favor of October 7th to me, sent to Mr. Bishop, has been forwarded to me by Mr. Bishop and has just reached me.

In regard to expired policy #551697 in the Caledonian Insurance Company, for $2500.00 on household furniture, hay, grain, and live stock etc. at my farm in Berkshire County. I will be glad to have this policy renewed for one year in the same company, but please note the following changes in the distribution of insurance:

In the item "$400. on hay, grain, and straw, while contained in frame barn and additions, standing on opposite side of highway from the above described dwelling and owned by said Cassidy",

Please make this amount $200.00 instead of $400.00

In the item "$500.00 on Live Stock, not exceeding $125.00 on any one horse, etc., etc."

Please make this amount $700.00 instead of $500.00

I have made the time of renewal one year, because I expect within that period of time to have made extensive changes in the buildings on the property, which will then necessitate new insurance. 

Please return the new policy and the cancelled one to me, and oblige.

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer

P.S. Please send bill for premium and I will promptly remit.

Transcription Notes:
I was not sure how to indicate the lines in the letter?? ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 02:54:37 - the instructions have information about the transcription of lines