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Detroit, Mich.,
October 13th,1899.

Mr. Henry A. Bishop,
Care Pur.Dep't, N.Y.N.H.& H.R.R.,
New Haven, Conn.

My dear Mr.Bishop:- 

I have your several recent favors and thank you very much for them all. I have written the people at Lime Rock, to renew the insurance. 
Now concerning Mr.Sherwood. I do not wish to install a superintendent on the farm until next spring, at which time I expect to actively begin operations.. I am now having plans drawn for a new farm house and farm barns, but nothing can be done towards their erection until the frost goes out of the ground next spring,neither can much of anything be done until that time with the building of fences etc,which I want to do. I have some men at work now hauling stones etc,looking to the building of new walls. I shall also do some work on the highway before winter,but all of these affairs can be attended to by Guartha and Williams.
I spent a few days last week on the place accompanied by two or three parties who desired to look at the Wilson farm with a view to purchasing the same. It seems very difficult however, to get anybody thoroughly interested in the place. I would have asked you to have come to Sheffield for a day, but I thought that inasmuch as you would be very busy after your vacation, that it would be wiser to postpone it to another time.
While tramping about the place I became very well acquainted with Rap and Rex. Both of the dogs took a great shine to me and I said to Mr.Guartha that in the event of your being at the place before I saw you to tell you not to take away Rap, as I would be glad to give him a good home, but I see by your letter that you want him so of course you will take him. 
The large St.Bernard dog, Rex, is causing, I believe, some fear in the minds of the neighbors. He has taken to chasing vehicles etc., and I fancy that really the best thing to do with him would be as suggested in your letter, to send him to your hunting club in Canada. He is a splendid animal and I appreciate very much your kind offer, but I am afraid if I undertake to keep him at the farm he would cause a great deal of trouble.
I would like to meet Mr.Sherwood, and some time when I am in New York during the coming months, I will ask you to request him to meet me either in New Haven or New York and will then be glad to talk over the situation with him. Of course when I get ready to install a superintendent, I want to get the right man and shall gladly consider Mr.Sherwood's application. 
With kind regards, Iam, 
Faithfully yours, 
Charles L Freer 

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