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Detroit, Michigan,
October 13,1899.

Mr. William F. Jarvis, 
Care Hotel Cambridge,
Fifth Avenue, New York City.

My dear Billy:-
I arrived home yesterday morning, but the accumulation of business demanding immediate attention prevented me from dictating the letters we spoke about until to-day. I have written to the following gentlemen:-

Mr.J.A.Middleton, Secretary Erie R.R. Cortlandt Street, New York City.

Mr. George R. Turnbull, V.P.,Guaranty Trust Company, 65 Cedar Street, New York City, and requested him to invite his President, Mr. Oakman to join him in his visit to your place.

Mr.Allan Bourn, Pur.Ag't, N.Y.C.& H.R.R.R., Grand Central Depot, New York City.

Mr. W.H.Truesdale, President,D.L.& W.R.R., Exchange Place, New York.

Mr.Theo. N. Ely, Chief of Motive Power Penn’a R.R., Broad Street Stat'n Philadelphia, Penn'a.

and I enclose herewith copies of my letters. 
I will ask Cameron Currie to write Mr. Marquand, who is a wealthy New Yorker, and get him to send you a copy of his letter to Mr. Marquand.
Col. Hecker will arrive in Detroit on Sunday or Monday next and I think it would be a very good plan for you to write to him as we discussed. At the present moment I do not think of any other parties to write to, but if in the future names occur to me, I will continue the correspondence.
Don't forget to call upon Mr. Merrill, Vice President Erie Railroad. He is the gentleman I introduced you to in the hotel, and I am sure he will be glad to witness some of your tests. 
Our party starts for the Hot Springs to-morrow and will doubtless spend the balance of this month there.
The boys here are all well.
Wishing you every success, I am, 
Yours faithfully, 

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