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I have marked out practically only one, that of the Villa d'Este, for you to see. You will find English spoken at all of the hotels I have mentioned, and of course you can get local guides in each city, but as a rule they are absolutely worthless, and you will need a man like Bellinetti more than you know. I believe he charges fifteen francs a day while in Naples, his home. When traveling his charge is seventeen francs per day. Of course you pay his railroad fare, and he pays his own hotel bills. While at Baja have a bottle of Old Falernian, and at Ravello fill your skin with Palumbos White Purifier. It will help to wash away your sins. The only good Capri wine you will find will be on the Island itself. That offered you on the main land will be an imitation. When you see Botticelli's Judith and the little marble sweetheart of mine heretofore mentioned, think of me.
Wishing yourself and Mrs. Bixby a very happy time, and safe return, I am, with best regards, Yours sincerely,

Mr. W. K. Bixby
13 Portland Place, 
St. Louis, Mo.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-23 18:02:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 12:15:49