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Hot Springs, Va., Oct. 28th, 1899.
My dear Mr. Poor:-
Your valued letter of the 20th inst. reached me here yesterday, and I am glad to have your approval of the Capri purchase. My friend Jerome, who is interested with me in the deal, and I, hope to pass many pleasant days on that beautiful Island. We would both be delighted to meet you out there, and to join you in reviving a fine line of the festivities so valiantly encouraged by old Tiberius. What a fine old bird he must have been. I have not yet decided when I shall go out to have a look at the Villa, but I should like to do so next Spring, and hope that you will be on the Island at the same time. When next in New York I shall take pleasure in calling upon you and exchanging views upon the Caprian matters. 
I have been absent from Detroit during practically all of the time that Coleman's pictures were on exhibition there, and do not know what success attended the same. I hope that some of them found a permanent resting place there. Mr. Coleman is certainly a very capable artist, and deserves every success.
With kind regard,
Yours very truly,

Mr. Henry W. Poor,
#18 Wall Street,
New York City.