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915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
October 31st,1899. 

Mr. N. E. Montross, 
1380 Broadway, 
New York City.
My dear Montross:-

Yours of 25th instant reached me yesterday on my return home from the Hot Springs.
I note with interest the new step you have taken and I wish you every success. The location is without any equal in New York City, but whether or not you will find people ready to go to the fourth floor rooms, remains to be proved. This however, seems not to have deterred you and certainly would not have been an obstacle to me had I been in your place. The fact that Dodd, Mead,have the ground floor is also a great advantage to you. 
Strangely enough, I watched the changes going on in this building with no small interest, during my recent visits to New York, and at one time was really tempted to examine the fourth floor myself,with a view to taking part or all of it for apartments, so you see "minds of great men often run in the same channel". 

Yours sincerely,
Charles L Freer