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915 Union Trust Bldg., 
Detroit, Michigan, 

Mr. J. J. Albright, 
President, Union Car Co.,
Buffalo, N.Y.
My dear Sir:- 

Earlier reply to your favor of 10th instant prevented by my absence. 
I appreciate the motives which caused you to send me a copy  of your letter to Mr. McBride, of the 10th instant. 
The disappointment I felt at the time of receiving Mr. Bixby's letter has been relieved by a communication received from Mr. William McMillan, informing me that the matter has been adjusted. 
I regret exceedingly that yourself and Mr. Bixby could not have had the interview you asked for, feeling sure that a personal chat of five minutes duration between you two would have easily disposed of matters of even greater importance than the one at issue. I have no desire to apologize for Mr. Bixby knowing as I do that he would not thank me for standing in his stead, but I really do feel it my duty, Mr. Albright, to call your attention to the fact that Mr. Bixby's health has been, for the last four or five months, such as to cause his friends considerable alarm, and because thereof, it is only right to make generous allowances concerning engagements. 
Reference to a certain matter appeared in your letter to Mr. Bixby, which I must frankly tell you is a surprise to me, and I am sure you will not misunderstand me when I say I hope that when next I have the pleasure of meeting you in New York, you will favor me with an explanation. 
I fear that gossip of an unrealible sort has reached your ears, but if the charge is true, I should like very much indeed to be made acquainted with the facts. 

Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 09:51:03