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Detroit, Mich., 

Mr. Geo.R.Turnbull, 
V.P., Guaranty Trust Co., 
65 Cedar St., New York City.

My dear Mr.Turnbull:-

In making a division of some of the assets of Hecker and Freer, Col. Hecker and I found it necessary to change somewhat the funds on deposit with your Company to the credit of our firm. 
We have to-day issued two checks for $195.000.00 each, one to the order of Col.Hecker and the other to the order of myself, both checks being against the firm's account with your Company. 
Enclosed herewith, please find the check of Hecker and Freer,#24, payable to my order for $195.000.00, which please place to the credit of my personal account. 
I take it for granted that the rate you have heretofore paid Hecker and Freer of 3% on daily balances will be continued. If I am wrong in this kindly let me know. 
Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer