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Detroit, Michigan,

Mr. Deming Jarves, 
5 Front Street, Detroit.

My Dear Jarves:-
Replying to your valued letter of 15th instant, I beg to say that I have made it an unbroken rule not to purchase real estate of any kind except for domestic uses.  I am aware that I might have made more money had I occasionally followed the advice of my friends and joined them from time to time in some good deals which I 
have known of, however, I think in the long run it will be better for me to continue my investments outside of real estate. I thank you none the less for the 
opportunity you have given me to replace you in the deal mentioned. 
I return the statement herewith. Except during the day to hear  from the Japanese Trading Company concerning the Hawthorne jar and will telephone you as soon as the word comes.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 03:00:55