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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,

Mr. K. Sano,
Tokio, Japan.

My dear Mr.Sano:-

Some time during the coming winter or early next spring, you will doubtless receive a call from Captain Alger, a young friend of mine of this city. He is a son of General Russel A. Alger, late Secretary of War of the United States, and is visiting Japan for pleasure.   I have given him a letter of introduction to you and and I trust that while he is in Tokio you will show him some of the sights of your very charming city. 
How are you?    In the best of health I trust.
When shall we have the pleasure of seeing you in America again?
With cordial remembrances to Mrs.Sano, 
believe me,

Yours faithfully, 
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-23 23:45:10