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luncheon.  I have asked Dewing also to meet me, at which time we can arrange an hour in the afternoon most convenient for you, to let the Senator and me explain all details to you.
The gentlemen who attended the meeting unanimously agreed the memorial should be a work of art, and of an enduring character. The money to be spent was not determined, but the general impression seemed to be that from five hundred thousand to one million dollars should be used. 
Now, as for what shape the object shall take is for you gentlemen to advise. 
I hope that in dragging you into this scheme, I have not trespassed too much upon your friendship, and that you will not call the police when the Senator and I appear at your office. 
At our forthcoming interview, we will give you full particulars and don't carry in your mind any deadly intentions against us until you hear the full story. 
With kindest regards, I am,
Faithfully yours, 
Charles L Freer