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Detroit Michigan,
December 15th, 1899.

Mr. W. J. McBride,
General Manager, A.C.& F. Co.,
Lincoln Trust Building,
St. Louis, Mo.

Dear Mac:-
I have yours of 14th instant enclosing cards and hope that Mr. Eaton's will arrive early next week, as I wish to have the packages forwarded in ample season. Mr. Dewing and I found some beautiful things in Boston and I shall take out of my own collection enough to make good for all of the men I am to provide for. 
The most important question in my mind is concerning Mr. Waitt. After discussing the matter fully with Mr. Dewing, I have about decided to send him a pair of screens by Sotatsu, a Japanese artist who flourished about three hundred years ago and who is renowned wherever Japanese Art is cared for. The screens cost me $1000.00 and I should of course charge you the same as I paid for them. If you think entirely well of this matter and desire to have these screens sent to Mr. Waitt, kindly wire me to what effect upon receipt hereof. The quality of the screens is most superior and I am sure there is nothing in New York city nor anywhere else outside of Japan, the collection of the Boston Museum, and the things I have, equal to them. I am rather reluctant to part with these and may before hearing from you, change my mind and not send them, but before determining the matter, I should like to hear from you frankly. If you can suggest anything better to get, I should of course be glad to get it.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer.

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