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Detroit, Michigan. 
December 18th,1899.

Mr. B. Matsuki, 
280 Boylston Street, 
Boston, Mass.

My dear Matsuki:-
Referring to the two pieces of satsuma purchased from you when I was last in Boston, and which you are holding awaiting shipping instructions. The following is the disposition I wish made of these pieces:- 

One large Satsuma Jar, decorated in gold, red and green, price $275.00.
ship to
John K. Cowen,
2327 N. Charles Street,
Baltimore, Md.
enclosing the card which accompanies this letter.

One large Satsuma Water Jar with inlaid vertical panels, the panels divided by dark blue vertical flat spaces, price $225.00. 
ship to 
C.L. Freer, 
915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan.

I will be glad if you will ship the latter named jar to me by express immediately upon receipt hereof. 

Yours truly, 


Please make shipment to Mr. Cowen so as to reach him Saturday afternoon, December 23rd, and mark package "personal". 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 07:48:08