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Detroit, Michigan, 
December 18th, 1899.

Mr. Frederick H. Eaton, 
Care American Car and Foundry Co., 
Empire Building, 71 Broadway, 
New York City.

Dear Mr.Eaton:-

I have your favor of the 16th instant and note same fully.  Upon receipt hereof will you kindly wire me Mr. A. M. Waitt's house address in New York City. 
Mr.Carry's card will be sent with Mr.Shaughnessey's gift, Mr.McBride's car with Mr.Robert Miller's gift, and Mr. F. Underwood's present will be accompanied by Mr. Coleman's card. 
I shall be pleased to select from my own collection a suitable present for Mr. Walter, President of the Lehigh Valley.
Messrs. Michell, Middleton and Waitt's presents will be accompanied by your cards as you request. 

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer