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Detroit, Michigan,
December 20th,1899.

Mr. R. H. Thompson,
Care The Thompson and Norris Co.,
Prince and Concord Streets,
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Thompson:-

Replying to your letter of 16th instant. I am glad to state that your guess as to the approximate final dividend to be paid on the old preferred certificates of the Michigan-Peninsular Car Company is pretty nearly correct. All will depend upon the final outcome of the suits brought by dissenting stock and bond holders, but even if these should be decided against us, I think it safe to say that the dividend will come pretty near to your figures. 
Of course Iam [[I am]] writing this in strict confidence for your personal information.
With kindest regards, believe me,

Faithfully yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-24 12:32:23