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cards were sent with each package. The prices charged are exactly what the articles cost me and in some instances are very much lower than they could be duplicated for at the present time, but I am quite reconciled to parting with everything that I have sold. In selecting something for Mr.Water I submitted by wire two objects to Mr. Eaton. The one he chose is a very remarkable piece of pottery and will distinguish any room in which Mr.Walter may place it. In order that you may understand something about this particular piece I enclose you herewith a letter from Mr. R. E. Moore,from whom I purchased it. The letter is attached to one of my vouchers,which kindly return to me at your early convenience. Should you desire any further information concerning these articles, I will be glad to furnish it on receipt of request from you. 

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and successful year, I remain,

Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

P.S. I suggest that you send promptly to Mr.Eaton a description of each of the pieces which have been forwarded with his cards. You know that it is quite likely he will be asked questions concerning them by the recipients.  

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 11:32:02 added the number 511, missing ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 15:37:23