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December 20th, 1898.

Mr. Cameron Currie,
Chamber of Commerce, Detroit, Mich.
My dear Cameron:- 

I am delighted to know that yourself and Mrs. Currie are so pleased with the selection I had the pleasure of making for you while in New York. Dewing, who was with me at the time, insists it is really fine. The check enclosed I will forward to Theodore B. Starr in settlement of account with request to him to mail receipedd [[receipted]] bill to you direct. 

I don’t know what to say concerning your continued goodness to me. You are making money faster for me than I ever made it for myself and how in the world to ever get square with you is a puzzler. 

I am feeling better to-day but it confuses me to much to use the pen so I am dictating this note to you through Mr. Aikman.

With very best wishes, I am, 

Sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
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