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Detroit, Michigan,
December 27th, 1899.

Mr. Stanford White,
160th Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Dear Stanford:-

I take pleasure in sending you by express to-day blue print of the Detroit River compiled by the Government corps of engineers. You will observe that Belle Isle is shown and at the west and thereof I have made a star in red ink to mark the site spoken of in connection with the proposed memorial. I also enclose five copies of a small map of Belle Isle Park and a colored photograph of Detroit seen from the river. A map of the city showing its system of parks is being prepared and will be sent to you in a few days. 

In a recent letter from Dawing he said that you had recently expressed a willingness to come to Detroit some time early in January. About the first week of January I am obliged to go to Montreal and am likely to be absent practically all of the first week of the month. How would it suit you to come here during the second week of January? If that time will suit you kindly let me know what day you will arrive.

I had hoped to be in New York about the middle of January, at which time Mayor Maybury is to be there, but Col. Hecker is contemplating a long trip, starting prior to that time and if he should decide to make it I feel it will be impossible for me to get away at that time. At any rate while you are here I want you to meet the Mayor, whom you will find a very interesting man. He is preparing some notes on the history of Detroit and when they are ready I am confident thy will be of greater interest to you than anything that has thus far been published. They will be  sent you when completed.

With kindest regards, believe me,
Yours ever,
Charles L Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 02:40:46