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Detroit, December 28, 1899.

Mr. A. H. Griffith,
Care Detroit Museum of Art,
Detroit, Mich.

My dear Mr. Griffith:-

Your letter of the 23rd instant was duly received, and would have had earlier reply but for a pressure of other matters.

I appreciate all that you say concerning the condition of the Museum at the time you first associated yourself with it, and the numerous discouragements you have met with. In speaking with you as I did, concerning the art quality of the exhibition made at the Museum, I was governed by feelings of my own ideals of what an art museum should aim to accomplish, and, while my words may have been severe, they were intended seriously, and I am glad that they made an impression upon your mind. I, of course, claim no right to criticise your action, or that of the Trustees; but, in a personal way, I was giving expression to views you have so frequently invited; and I trust that I did not discourage you in the slightest.

Now, regarding the newspaper clipping which you enclosed, concerning Japan, I will investigate the matter carefully, and will then advise you further.

With best wishes, believe me,
Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer