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Detroit, Michigan,
January 2nd,1900.

Mr. W. J. McBride,
Care American Car and Foundry Co.,
St.Louis, Mo.

My dear Mac:-
I havemuch pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your favor of December 28th enclosing draft on New York to my order for $1403.00, being in settlement of my invoice for articles taken from my collection for your customers. I wonder if you notified Mr.Carry about the satsuma jar sent with his card to Mr. Shaughnessey. It will be wise to let him know if you have not done so already.
Awata ware is the product of very early kilns established in the heart of Kioto - in fact in what was at that time the Royal Palace of the Emperor. This occurred during the time that Kioto was the Capital of Japan, and it was the practice in those days for the Emperor to invite to his palace garden the leading artists of the country, that is, the potters, painters, metal workers, lacquer makers, etc., and the product of their skill was frequently distributed as royal gifts by the Emperor. It so happened that at the time of the reigning popularity of the Awata kilns, some distinguished pottery decorators were residing in the palace,and from those days down to the present time choice pieces of old decorated Awata ware have been considered of great artistic value, Of course, as is usual in the history of the fine arts, the Goddess never remains long in one spot, and eventually the Capital was removed to Tokio; later the kilns attached to