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Detroit, Michigan,
January 2nd, 1900.

Stanford White, Esq.,
160 Fifth Ave., N.Y.

Dear Stanford:-
Mayor Maybury has completed a brief outline of historical facts in connection with the early history of Detroit and I take pleasure in forwarding to you a typewritten copy in duplicate for your information.  I have sent one each of the same to Messrs. Dewing and Tryon. I also send you under separate cover a pamphlet entitled "Detroit 1796 - 1896", giving the proceedings of the centennial celebration of the evacuation of Detroit by the British, in which you will find some interesting historical facts.

The information given in the recent newspaper clippings enclosed herewith is very much confused as to facts, but it became so partly through haste on he mayor's part and partly through his diplomatic inclination to keep certain truths quite to himself until he is prepared to advise the public more correctly.

I am leaving for Montreal to-day to be absent until the latter part of the week.

With best regards, I am,
Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 10:02:27