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After Showers" direct from the artist himself. This Tryon of yours is a very important picture. The "Daybreak" is sketchily painted and measures 18" x 30". Yours has been in progress some two or three years and measures 32" x 40". Mr. Tryon has only just finished this latter picture, and, I think has carried it to a more subtle finish than anything he has yet attempted. It is low in tone, extremely mysterious and still contains that remarkable force and character which is always found in his very best work.
He began the canvas, expecting to allow it to go to the Hartford museum. The agents of one or two other museums have seen it, and were anxious to get it. Without knowing all the facts, I think, however, that the methods of purchase pursued by those interested did not suit Mr. Tryon, and when I told him for whom I wanted it and why I wanted it, he cheerfully consented to its sale at $2500.00 which I considered an extremely favorable price. I paid him a considerably larger sum for the large "Springtime" in my upper hall, which I am sure is not as fine, through somewhat larger than yours. I congratulate you upon the possession of your Tryon, and I am sure every other man who understands his work will do likewise. It is really a museum piece, both in size and quality. It is in a special frame most carefully finished under Mr. Tryon's special supervision.
When you are next in New York, I wish you would call upon Mr. Dewing at his studio, #939-8th Ave., Room #608, and examine the