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#33 Ferry Ave, 
Detroit, Mich.,
February 6th, 1900.

Hon. Jas. McMillan, 
Washington, D.C. 

My dear Senator: -

I have just returned from a ten days visit in New York, and while there, I had the pleasure of meeting with Messrs. Stanford White, T.W. Dewing and D.W. Tryon several times, for examination and discussions of the plans they have in hand for the erection of a memorial for the proposed Bicentenary.

The gentlemen named, particularly Mr. Stanford White, have given a great deal of time and thought to the subject, and they have practically decided upon a scheme to suggest to our committee. Numerous studies and sketches have been made, out of which the present plan has grown. It will, I am sure, delight you. 

It has been deemed wise to keep the nature of the scheme from the general public until after those more directly interested shall have seen the plans and listened to Mr. White's explanation thereof. 

I wish I could give you an intelligent description of it, but as that is beyond my power, I will simply say it consists of a great marble ionic column, over two hundred feet high, to contain