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#33 Ferry Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.,
Feb. 18th, 1900.

Dear Dewing:-
I saw Donaldson yesterday and showed him your
letter concerning the plastering you require done in
the lunette shaped space in the bank. He will attend
to it promptly and will correspond directly with you
about it.
This morning, yours of the 15th instant came,
and I will have the pictures looked after the early 
part of next week, and forwarded to Budworth as desired.
I believe you sent me a list of the pictures you wanted
from my collection, but I must have mislaid it. Won't
you send me another by return mail, so that there will
be no mistake made. I am glad Mrs. Gardner is going 
to lend "The Yellow Dress" for the exhibition.
I had a pretty bad fall this morning, and struck
my head and shall be laid up for a few days. This will
not, however, interfere with Stanford's trip to Detroit.
Col. Hecker and others here will take good care of him.
Yours ever, Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 01:57:07