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January 4th,1899.

Mr. O.W. Meysenburg,
President, Wella & French Co., Chicago, Ills.

Dear Mr. Maysenburg:-

Your kind letter came two or three days ago and I have been hoping for two days to answer it, but I do not yet feel up to writing so I must reply by dictation, which I know you will overlook.

It was very kind of you to bear me in mind as you do and to tell me as you have what has helped to cure you of your old time enemy. I am gradually learning that sugar is one of my enemies and that to drink water with meals is injurious, so am in a way following your footsteps. Travelling as much as I have been compelled to do during the last twelve months, I have not found it possible at all times to get the kind of food best adapted to hygienic measures, and, above all, the running from place to place has proved wearing. I am mending now and hope to be quite well are long. If I could only rid myself of the burden of work which seems from some source or another to fall to my lot and could have a few continued months of idleness. I would then be "solid" and equipped to enjoy the pleasures of life, many of which I now get a sprinkling of, but know perfectly well where to find the shower when the time comes.

I am so glad that you are to start for California are long. How fine it will be to enjoy what is there offered in outdoor exercise and beauty. It was my good luck to spend eight consecutive months in California some years ago, and although I was ill when I went there. It really seems to me now as if I enjoyed every minute of my stay.

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