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January 5th, 1899.

Messrs, Yamanaka and Co.,
254 Fifth Avenue, New York City.


Enclosed herewith please find draft payable to your order for $2122.80, in settlement of your invoices as follows:-

December 15th,1898, --- $2067.00
Jan.3rd,1899, ---------    55.80 --- $2122.80

Please receipt and return these invoices to me at your early convenience.

On your bill of December 15th, the item #5313. Hagi, is priced $12.00. My records show that $5.00 was the price of #5315. Therefore, I have passed the bills as they are and if your records show the charge made as $12.00, I must have made an error. If on the contrary and you are in error and the price should be $5.00, you may send me New York draft for $7.00 to make up the difference.

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
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