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CHARLES L. FREER, To Mrs. E.M. Springer, Dr. Cars, C.W. Baldwin, Address 630 Penobscot Bldg., City Detroit, January 1st, 1918 19 [[3 columned table]] | --- | --- | --- | | For rental of Garage #3 rear #38 Palmer Avenue, East, for the month of January, 1917, | 8 | 00 | Paid money by check Mrs. E.M. Springer By C. W. Baldwin (Storage of packing boxes) Correct, G W Alger Approved, C L Freer RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Eight and 00/100 DOLLARS IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT. Jan. 2d 1918 Mrs. E. M. Springer Per C. W. Baldwin
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-09 09:31:08