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1288. (Wong 8)  One Kakemono, attributed to Kuan Haiu. Tang
and The Five Dynasties. Chinese.
[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 636

Painted on silk, in ink and colors.
Portrait of a Lohan (No Chu-na?), seated in a rustic chair, his hands joined together in dharmacukra muira. Upon his right arm a rosary hangs and a fly-brush is fastened to his chair. His brown garment, ornamented with a black and gold lotus-leaf pattern, is wrapped about his knees and thrown over his left shoulder, leaving chest and right arm bare, The modelling of his head, chest and arms is powerfully executed, and gold is employed to represent hair, In the
upper right corner, a low, circular, blue bowl containing rice, rests upon clouds, and in left there are three vertical lines of inscription.
Silk much damaged, patched and stained, with a vertical break extending from top to bottom five and three-quarters inches from the left edge. Tack marks appear at top and right edge of the picture, similar marks appear at top and right edge of picture, similar marks appear also in S.I. 607, attributed to Wang Chian-tei, but both pictures were evidently painted by the same artist,
Label on mount at upper let attributes this painting to Kuan Heiu.
Received as a kakemono and still in that form.
Height, 49 3/4"; width, 24 3/4".

Purchased from K. T. Wong of Shanghai, at New York, Special Voucher $29 January, 1918, 1,000.00

1289. (Wong 13)  One Painting, attributed to Kao Fang-shan. Yuan. Chinese.
[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 637

Painted on silk, in ink and colors.
A small mountainous landscape suggestive of Mi Fei's
subjects, and of the later re-called Korin school in Japan. In the distance a prominent blue-tinted mountain rises centrally out of white clouds, other peaks of lesser importance surround it. At the lower right a waterfall is introduced, and in the immediate foreground a small figure is seen climbing towards buildings on the left, which are half hidden in a clump of dark trees, Silk creamy yellow, slightly damaged,
Inscription of slight characters in sky at left and nine seals on painting.
Two long inscriptions on gray paper above painting and six seals on the lower part of narrow brocade mount.
Label on mount at upper left attributes this painting to Kao Fang-shan.
Received as a kakemono and still in that form.
Height, 18 1/4"; width, 13 3/8".

Purchased from K. T. Wong of Shanghai, at New York, Special Voucher $29 January, 1918, 500.00

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-08 17:40:37