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Charles L. Freer,

To Mrs. E. M. Springer  Dr.
Address, c/o C. W. Baldwin Penobscot Building Detroit.

Detroit, February 28th 1919

GADCO 33305

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| For this amount, being rental of Garage #3, used for storage of boxes etc - for the month of March 1919 | 8. | 00 |

Correct, K. N. Rhoades.  
Approved, C L Freer
Received of Charles L. Freer Eight and 00/100 Dollars, in full of the above account.
March 3d. 1919
Thank you
Elizabeth M. Springer by C. W. Baldwin 

Transcription Notes:
done ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-14 08:40:47