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[[right margin]] Write direct to Mr John Suster
the secretary - one of the firm of Newcomb-Macklin Co.
[[/right margin]]

Newcomb-Macklin Co.
State & Kinzie Streets.
Chicago, Ills.


By request of Mr. McCoy Manager of your N.Y. house [[strikethrough]] we are [[/strikethrough]] I am shipping to your address two sample frames, which we wish duplicated in every respect including color except that the smaller [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] frame is to be [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] used for a canvas 30 1/2 inches X 23 1/4 inches and the enlargement needs to be borne in mind.

After the frames shall have reached you kindly give them careful inspection and let me know at what price you will furnish [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] each of the two required and [[strikethrough]] when they [[/strikethrough]] how much time will be required to do the work.

Proposed letter to be sent to the Newcomb-Macklin Co.

KNR. Saw Mr. McCoy on Feb 17 and the letter (attached hereto) of Feb. 19th is the result of the conversation had with  Mr McCoy.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 09:20:10