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Districts into convenient sub-districts, each county constituting one sub-district, except where the colored population of a county was less than 5000, in which case two or more counties were to be united, and to apply to the commander of the Military District for an officer to act as Assistant Superintendent over each sub-district.-

The Superintendents were further instructed to protect the negroes in their rights as freemen, to see that they were not in any way oppressed by their former masters, and to cultivate friendly relations between the two classes; 
To assist in the organization and maintainance of schools;

To discourage, as far as possible, the disposition of the Freedmen to remove from one locality to another; except so far as it might be necessary for uniting members of seperated families, or to find profitable employment;-

To urge upon them the importance of making contracts for their labor, and to fulfil the same, when made, to aid them by their advice when necessary to prevent their being defrauded, but in 

Transcription Notes:
maintenance, separated and fulfill misspelled in original, kept as written. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 10:32:58