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Office Supt. Refugees &c. 9th Dist.,
Fort Monroe, Va., Dec 16th 1865,

Col. O. Brown
Asst. Comr. Freedmen's Bureau, State of Va.,
Richmond, Va.,

I have the honor to forward to the Asst. Comr for his examination and approval the following Reports to wit

Report of Schools for November 9th Dist.
Report of Freedmen in Colonies camps, &c.
Supplementary Report of Persons discharged &c. for October.
Report of Persons &c. Form No. 2.
Report of Persons &c. Form No. 8.

Other Reports will be forwarded as soon as possible

I am, Colonel,
Very respectfully
your obedient servant
C.B. Wilder
Capt and A.Q.M. and Supt
9th Dist.