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Office Supt. Refugees &c. 9th Dist.,
Fort Monroe, Va., Dec. 12th. 1865.

Col. O Brown,
Asst Comr. Freedmen's Bureau. State of Va.
Richmond, Va.,

I have the honor to forward request for transportation for the following named persons to relieve the Govt. from their support:-

Hester Patterson,
Jefferson Patterson, From Yorktown. Order No. 168.
Betty Patterson, To Habauna, Essex Co. Va., 
Eliza Savage, To New York City. N.Y. {Order 47 Approved}
Priscilla Ann Harris, to Philadelphia, Pa. {Order 48 Approved}

I am Colonel,
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C. B. Wilder
Capt. and A.Q.M. and Supt.
9th Dist.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 08:56:30