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Office Supt 9th Dist. 
Fort Monroe Feb. 7/66

Col. O. Brown 
Asst. Com - 
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours approving my action at Williamsburg. I prize it the more highly not because I had doubts as to your views &c but because we are so often bored with declarations and assurances by many leading citizens & officers, who say they know from you and general Howard that you agree with them substantially and repudiate our course &c. 
In confirmation of what I said in that report on the 31st I herewith enclose a rich compound of material from the other side claiming this to be the only fair way to get at this true state of things & questions about which there are a difference of opinions & interests. As I wrote you the little Major (Stanhope) assumed to ignore the correspondence from Dr. Hubbard to you & by you referred to me, directing that I confer with the leading men in James City Co. &c. I did so, as I reported. All was pleasant & apparently satisfactory, except the enforcing part. 
They not only assented to my suggestions but agreed to get up a large