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Fort Magruder Jan. 26th, 1866.
Capt. C.B. Wilder, A.Q.M.
Supt. Bureau R.F. and A.L.

I have been looking about today for a place to stop and for an office. I don't find any yet in Williamsburg. I find buildings in Ft. Magruder. I asked Major Stanhope if he could let us have them, or some of them. He said no, they were government buildings and I could not have them, he said Mr. Wergel (one of my men you know) was living in one of them and dam him, he had got to get out of there dam quick. I found I could do nothing with him and left. If you want these buildings for your Officers and the Bureau, you must get an order, and that immediately, or perhaps Mr. Wergel may have to move, and no where to move to. I am inclined to think if I go to Williamsburg I shall find it very hard work to get along with Major Stanhope. He reflects very hard upon all of us, he said a great many things very unpleasant. If you have any other place to put me, I wish you would, unless Col. Brown insists upon my staying there. I feel that I have been abused