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This deed, made this 28'. day of July in the year 1860, between Charles S. Mills and Claudia N. his wife, of the city of Richmond, of the first part, and Joel B. Watkins, of the said city of the second part, witnessed, that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of five thousand one hundred and twenty four 61/100 dollars, (of which eight hundred and forty six 13/100 dollars; part thereof, hath been paid in cash to the said parties of the first part by the said Joel B. Watkins, and the remaining four thousand five hundred and twenty eight 48/100 dollars has been retained by the Joel B. Watkins to pay off, at maturity, the principal and interest of a certain bond for $4.153 86/100, executed by the said Charles S. Mills to Mann S. Valentine dated 11th February 1860, payable five years after date, with legal interest thereon from its date till paid, the same payable half yearly on the 11th days of August and February in each year, to secure which said bond, the said Charles S. Mills executed, on the 11th day of February 1860, a trust deed to William F. Gray and Robert A. Paine, trustees conveying the real estate hereinafter described, and which bond, by the terms of the sale from the said Mills to the said Watkins, the latter assumed to pay, and does hereby assume to pay) they, the said Charles S. Mills and Claudia N. his wife do grant unto the said Joel B. Watkins, with general warranty, all of that certain lot of land, lying and being in the City of Richmond, on the south side of Broad and West line of Tenth Street, fronting on the said south side of Broad Street twenty seven feet, running