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The proprietor of the ground urges his claim the stronger, under the supposition that it is a "private" enterprise. Herein he is mistaken - please observe:

1st  Its operations are authorized by the President of the United States.

2d  Its funds are contributed by the citizens of two thirds of the states of the Union -

3d  It has dispensed a greater amount of charity in this city since the 3d of April last than is said to have been disbursed by the city government.

4th  It has now under gratuitous instruction twice as many poor children as are said to be in the city schools.

5th  While it has relieved the wants of those who have been constant in their allegiance to the United States government during the rebellion it has also sought out, and relieved liberally, the widow and orphan of the "Confederate" soldier. And you may find, any day, the young man who volunteered and served in the "Confederate" army receiving instruction, freely & cheerfully given, in our schools.

Now I submit that, this is in no sense a "private" work but National and worthy of all encouragement by the friends of our united country. The Commission claims nothing on private grounds. Its organization, character & work are all national and directed to the good of the nation. It meets all on the broad basis of "Peace & Good Will". In this spirit it is everywhere received. Through its operations a kindly feeling and cordial loyalty is promoted towards the United States government among the plain people — 

The Commission respectfully but most earnestly remonstrate against the adoption of such a policy as shall destroy its enlarged work for the public good.

I have the honor to be
with great respect &c
C Thurston Chase, Asst. Sup't.