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lawful wife and in camp by authority from this office.

It has been shown that the Supt. has been guilty of harsh and unkind language and at times conducting himself in an unbecoming manner towards the Freedmen.  In consideration of this, and with a view to secure the services of a man better adapted to the position, I would most respectfully request that Sergt. Ghirker, Co A. 1st Bat. 11th U.S. Infantry, be detailed to relieve Sergt. Henry as he has been recommended as an efficient officer and a competent man to fill the position.
EB Townsend
Asst. Supt.

Bureau A.F.& A. Lands
Office Supt. 3d Dist.
EB 8.  Richmond Va.  Mch. 15/66
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst. Comr. State of Va. Noting endorsement of Lieut. EB. Townsend Asst. Supt. and with [[strikethrough]] and with [[/strikethrough]] the information that I do not consider that any of the charges made have been substantiated except the one of profanity, but circumstances have been brought to light that convince [[strikethrough]] me that convince [[/strikethrough]] me that Sergt. Henry is not a proper person to have charge of the Camp.  I have therefore requested that he may be relieved.  Cases of this kind have only to be reported to this office to receive prompt attention and I am surprised that Chaplain Manley -- having been in the service and knowing as he does the rules, did not report the case to me instead of sending it to your Head Qrs.
H.S. Merrell
Lieut & Supt

Transcription Notes:
Please note that the first half of this transcription appears to be the end of a previous document. Second half is summary of action taken.