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3rd: That She may have restored to her or be paid the full value of the furniture aforesaid taken from her or destroyed. This furniture and this dower and cents are all the property which your memorialist now has left to her for subsistence.

Bye Henry A. Wise
Atty in fact it in law for Harriet A. Wise
Widow of 
John J. Wise Sr. Dec'd

State of Virginia
City of Richmond to Wit: Personally appeared before me Thomas W. Upshaw notary public in and for the city and state. Aforesaid Henry A. Wise who bearing duty service where the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, declared that the facts contained in the above memorial dated March 21, 1866 are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that he is well acquainted with most of the facts therein stated. given under oath loved and seal this 26th day of March 1866. 
Thomas W. Upshaw N.P.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure on the last name of Thomas W. John J. Wise Sr. Ded- maybe short hand for deceased? Edited, completed. Ded is Dec'd ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-23 18:03:14