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thereof after deducting the third of the same moiety for the dower interest of said Harriet A. Wise, back to the death of George D. Wise on the 5th: July 1864; and to Marietta Wise, the infant of George D. Wise, the rents of one moiety of said lands, after deducting the dower rents of said Harriet A. and Marietta Wise, widows as aforesaid, back to the same date of the death of George D. Wise.

By -
Henry A. Wise
Atty in fact & at Law
for John J. Wise

State of Virginia
City of Richmond to wit: I Thomas W. Upshur, a notary public in the City of Richmond and State of Virginia do certify that Henry A.  Wise whose name is signed to the above writing dated the 26th day of March 1866, personally appeared before me in my said city and state, and who being by me first sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God declared that the facts set forth as above are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Given under my hand and seal this 26th day of March 1866.
Thos. W. Upshur, N.P.


Transcription Notes:
Image: Notary Seal.