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Office of the True Southerner
Norfolk Va March 24th 1866

Col. O. Brown

Dear Sir
Yours of the 17th is at hand. The name of the gentleman of whom you enquire is Brown, I have forgotten his initials. he claims to be sent by the government as a special agent  He has with him a colored man, who he says is an officer in the Pay Department. The colored man wares a uniform

They claim that they have control of matters in Washington so that they can get the bounties in a short time  I am informed that in some cases they have promised to get them in a week. You could learn more of the particulars by enquiring of B McConnel late Maj & Pay Master in U.S.A.

I shall be happy to give you any items of information I may have in relation to the Freedm at any time.

Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Serv't
D.B. White