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Hampton Fort Monroe, October 1865.

I Miss Ellen Watts, do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend tho Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States thereunder, and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves. So Help me God.
Ellen Watts
this 17th day of October 1865. 
GH Clarke 
Lieut A. AG & Provost Marshal
Hampton VA

This is to certify that the tract of land in this county containing 210 acres and bounded by the lands of Harry Latimer & the river is charged to the heirs of Chas Watts decd upon the Commissioners books of this county and I further certify that the lot of land in Hampton, bounded by the lots of Gammel, Jones & the street is also charged to the heirs of said Charles Watts decd on the said books

Given under my hand this 17th day of October 1865
Wm S. Howard Clerk of 
the County Court of Elizabeth
City Co: