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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, August 17th 1866.

Maj. Genl. A.H. Terry
Asst. Com'r. B.R.F. & A. Lands.
State of Virginia,
Richmond, Va.


In reply to your communication of the 12th inst. I am directed by Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard, Com'r &c, to state that in applications for Prize Money of men discharged from the Navy, it is not necessary that the declaration be executed before an officer of the Navy.  The declaration can be made before a Notary Public who has filed his Commission or certified copy thereof in the 4th Auditors office, or before a Clerk of a Court of Record or other officer having custody of its seal.  A five-cent revenue stamp is required for each certificate of the officer administrating the oath.  The certificate of the Actg. Ensign and Masters Mate should be filed with the other papers.  Also the mans discharge certificate.  Attention is respectfully invited to correction as noted in enclosed form.

I am General
Very Resp'ly, Your Obt Servant
Wm Fowler
A.A. Gen'l.
