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provision of the fourth section of the "Act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five," the presumption shall be that the person was free at the time of the enlistment.

SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That in determining who is or was the wife, widow or heirs of any colored soldier, evidence that he and the woman claimed to be his wife or widow, were joined in marriage by some ceremony, deemed by them obligatory, followed by their living together as husband and wife up to the time of enlistment, shall be deemed sufficient proof of such marriage for the purposes of securing any arrears of pay, pension or other allowances due, any colored soldier at the time of his death; and the children born of any such marriage, shall be held and taken to be the lawful children and heirs of such soldier.

Approved; June 15, 1866.

JOINT RESOLUTION amendatory of a Joint Resolution entitled "A Resolution respecting bounties to colored soldiers, and the pensions, bounties and allowances to their heirs," approved June 15, 1866.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the words "at the time of his enlistment," at the end of section one of the "Resolution respecting bounties to colored soldiers, and the pensions bounties and allowances to their heirs," approved June fifteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, be, and the same are hereby, stricken out.

Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That whenever application shall be made by any claimant for bounty under the provisions of the Joint Resolution aforesaid by or through any agent or attorney, such agent or attorney shall hereafter be required to file with each claim his oath or affirmation that he has no interest whatever in said bounty beyond the fees for collection of the same, which are hereby fixed and established as follows, viz: for the preparation and prosecution of claims for, and the collection and remittance of all sums not exceeding fifty dollars, the sum of five dollars, the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents; and for all sums exceeding one hundred dollars, the sum of ten dollars; and said fees shall include all expenses  

[[note]] No payments are being made under these resolutions at present. by order of the Secy of War. Officers forwarding claims to this office will be duly notified when payment is commenced. No claims for bounty under this art received at present. [[/note]]

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