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national forces, and for other purposes," requires that the benefit of the provision of said section shall be extended to any enlisted man or other person entitled by law to bounty who has been or may be discharged by reason of a wound received while actually in service under military orders, not at the time on furlough or leave of absence, nor engaged in any unlawful or unauthorized act or pursuit. 
Approved, April 12, 1866. 

XIII...[PUBLIC-No. 106.]

AN ACT to extend to certain persons the privilege of admission, in certain cases, to the U.S. government asylum for the insane. 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American in Congress assembled, That civilians employed in the service of the United States in the quartermaster's department and the subsistence department of the army who may be, or may hereafter become, insane while in such employment, shall be admitted, on the order of the Secretary of War, the same as persons belonging to the army or navy, to the benefits of the Asylum for the Insane in the District of Columbia, as now provided by law in reference to soldiers and sailors in the army and navy. 
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following classes of persons, under the following circumstances, shall be entitled to admission to said asylum on the order of the Secretary of War if in the army, or the Secretary of the Navy if in the navy, to wit:- 
First.- Men who, while in the service of the United States, in the army or navy, have been admitted to said asylum, and have been thereafter discharged therefrom on the supposition that they had recovered their reason, and have, within three years after such discharge, become again insane from causes existing at the time of such discharge, and have no adequate means of support. 
Second.- Indigent insane persons who have been in the same service, and been discharged therefrom on account of disability arising from such insanity. 
Third.-Indigent insane persons who have become insane within three years after discharge from such service from causes which arose during and were produced by said service. 
Approved, July 13, 1866.