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Exhibit A
Received April 5th 1841 of Polly Fortune the sum of Twelve dollars and Fifty Cents in part payment of a lot of ground which I purchased of George M. Carrington. The part that I have now sold to my daughter Polly Fortune is for Twenty five feet on the back part of the lott beginning at the corner and running to the line of the lott that George P. Crump now has the management of. The part that I now have sold her is twenty five acres the bottom of the lott that I bought of Mr. George M. Carrington, and there is yet due Agnes Peters Twelve dollars and fifty cents which Polly Fortune promises to pay to her mother Agnes Peters when she Agnes Peters gives said Polly Fortune a deed for the twenty five feet which deed Agnes Peters promises to do as soon as she Agnes Peters gets her deed from George M. Carrington as witness our hands & seals
Agnes Peters  her X mark seal
Elisha Peters his X mark seal
Polly Fortune her X mark seal

Memorandum Fortune vs. Peters & ((alo?)): A suit has been brought and is now pending in the Circuit Court of Chancery for Hermes County against Agnes Peters Jos. M. Carrington and Hiram W. Tyler to sel a said a deed of trust conveying the land mentioned in this covenant to said Carrington from Agnes Peters and to enforce specific performance of the annexed covenant in which said Polly Fortune is Plaintiff
B.B. Miner atto: P.Q
July 24 1850

Transcription Notes:
remember to put "her X mark" at the end of the signers full name so that people doing research can search for the full name (ex: Agnes Peters instead of Agnes X her mark Peters)