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him have the worth of it in goods. You can take his bill as a fair specimen of the prices at which I sold the majority of the goods. I charged for good salelable goods reasonable prices, and sold many not fashionable but nevertheless very good garments for much less than their actual value, now particularly was such the case with Military goods. I sold for instance to George Washington a pair good blue officer pants for $12.00/000 which could not be bought North or East for less than from 14-16 Dollars in many instances I was obliged to give the men better goods than they realy wanted, such has been more particularly the case with Shirts and Undergarments of which my supply was at times entirely exhausted so I had to sell them both linen bosom and woolen overshirts which cost me from 30-54 Dollars per dozen Drawers which cost me from 15-36 Dollars per Dozen

No reasonable men could have expected me to sell goods on an indefinite Credit at the same rates as I would sell them for Cash. I can however assure you that I acted in a most reasonable manner charging no more than a reasonable advance on my regular Cash retail prices, and I belief I can with safety say that Messr Lovenberg & Bro who furnished the boots & shoes acted in the same manner that I did, and Mr. Brown would never accept and [[sign?]] an order without first asking the giver of the same if that was the amount they owed and if they were satisfied with their purchase