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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, Nov. 30th, 1866.

Maj. Gen. J.M. Schofield

Dear General,
Your communication of Nov 28th with reference to Taylor's Farm has just be received.  The representation of the negroes by their delegate was that the order of ejectment had been issued by Capt. Austin in my name: that he had not explained to them the matter but merely gave them a cold, peremtory [[peremptory]]  order, it is certainly your duty as well as mine to investigate complaints and see that justice is done.  Your action is altogether satisfactory, provided Capt Austin carries out your order's properly.  By painstaking we can deal with ignorant people without exciting their resistance & hatred, and I expect him to have no stone unturned to have the wives & children of soldiers properly cared for.

Very respectfully your
Obdt Servt
O.O. Howard 
Maj Gen. Commissioner &c.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-29 16:35:24