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Said apprentices upon his arrival is age as aforesaid the following sums for his Services, to wit. ten dollars ($10) for the year wherein he arrives at the age of 12 years: twelve dollars (12) for the next year: fifteen (15) dollars for the next year: Eighteen (18) dollars for the next year: twenty (20) dollars for the next year: twenty five (25) dollars for the next year: thirty (30) dollars for the next year thirty five (35) dollars for the next year: forty (40) dollars for the next year and fifty (50) dollars for his last years Service. And the Court do further direct that the overseer of the poor binding the Said apprentice take bond for the payment of above mentioned Sums."
Now therefore if the above bound Zerrobabel Mason Shall well & truly pay the Said Sum of money at the time it Shall fall due then the foregoing obligation to be void else remain in full force & virtue
(signed) Zerrobabel C. Mason [[seal]]
(signed) George W Mason [[seal]]
Signed, Sealed, & acknowledged in presence of (signed) George T. Garrison
A true copy Ed. Murphy 1st Lieut 10th Regt V.R.C. Asst Supr