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was deducted, on the plea of Mr Benjamin Phillips, in behalf of the heirs; and one Hundred Dollars was demanded from petitioner; which he then refused to pay; stating that Mr. Thomas Tabb had instructed him to so refuse and had assured him that it was "all right."
   In view of the fact that this property was sold to petitioner in defiance of order of U.S. Dist. Court, as also that it was leased to a third party by Benj. Phillips, (with the evident intention of ignoring the Bureau,) the petitioner Wm Phillips receiving all profit arising from his own occupancy as well as the rent accrueing and paid, on said lease to the third party; it is respectfully suggested that the petitioner Wm. Phillips be compelled to pay the small rent demanded for the year 1866; and also that he be held responsible for the payment of a reasonable rent for the current year, or that the farm may be leased to freed-people requiring land, at fair rates.
I am very  respectfully
Your obt. Servt
Mont. S. Reed
1' Lieut V.R.C. Asst. Supt.